News from NIA | Human - Nature interaction

Jun 5, 2020

A design build workshop was conducted by Architect Sjoerd Krijnen for the final year students of NIA. The weeklong workshop held between 2nd and 8th March 2020, was along the lines of "Animalesque", a research and teaching program initiated by the Architectural Association School of Architecture in collaboration with Technische University Berlin.

Ar. Sjoerd, a part of the core team of Animalesque, flew in from Berlin for the workshop. The intent of the workshop was to lay the foundation of "nature inclusive design" amongst students, "providing spaces which benefit humans as well as animals in an equally respectful way and stimulate biodiversity".

Students designed and built a space for humans and nature using materials that were available on campus or locally. The space could be used by people to immerse in nature and also become a habitat for small birds and insects.

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